Search Results: "gecko"

5 July 2010

Thorsten Glaser: LSM/RMLL; mksh R40, R41 plans

The current version of mksh had use of arc4random(3) removed, including set -o arc4random , to speed it up (on some architectures, a lot) this will break some existing scripts (such as /etc/rc *cough* on MirBSD ). Hence I decided to publish the next version of mksh(1) as R40 based upon current development, and defer plans for associative arrays (and multidimensional arrays) for mksh R41. There s also already the change to arguments, so this suits me quite fine. (Read: if running MirBSD, don t upgrade mksh at the moment.) There will be a new MirBSD snapshot once this is fixed, maybe a few more changes to the shell for better POSuX compliance, and the recently mentioned patent on LFNs (long filename) in FAT will be taken into account with a patch to msdosfs. I ll travel to LSM/RMLL 2010, the Libre Software Meeting (Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre) tomorrow until the weekend, to hack some on FusionForge (this is worktime for me), visit XTaran, Uriel, and maybe a couple of other usual people . Thundersday, between 10:00 UTC and 12:00 UTC, eurynome will be shut down by gecko2@ due to power supply maintenance on the host system data centre. We have a new mirror in the Americas, thanks a lot to Mike 'Fuzzy' Partin! Benny will mention it on the webpages once it s working.

3 July 2010

Petter Reinholdtsen: Lenny->Squeeze upgrades, apt vs aptitude with the Gnome desktop

Here is a short update on my my Debian Lenny->Squeeze upgrade testing. Here is a summary of the difference for Gnome when it is upgraded by apt-get and aptitude. I'm not reporting the status for KDE, because the upgrade crashes when aptitude try because of missing conflicts (#584861 and #585716). At the end of the upgrade test script, dpkg -l is executed to get a complete list of the installed packages. Based on this I see these differences when I did a test run today. As usual, I do not really know what the correct set of packages would be, but thought it best to publish the difference. Installed using apt-get, missing with aptitude
at-spi cpp-4.3 finger gnome-spell gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs libatspi1.0-0 libcupsys2 libeel2-data libgail-common libgdl-1-common libgnomeprint2.2-data libgnomeprintui2.2-common libgnomevfs2-bin libgtksourceview-common libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l libservlet2.4-java libxalan2-java libxerces2-java openssl-blacklist p7zip python-4suite-xml python-eggtrayicon python-gtkhtml2 python-gtkmozembed svgalibg1 xserver-xephyr zip
Installed using apt-get, removed with aptitude
bluez-utils dhcdbd djvulibre-desktop epiphany-gecko gnome-app-install gnome-mount gnome-vfs-obexftp gnome-volume-manager libao2 libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 libavahi-core5 libbind9-50 libbluetooth2 libcamel1.2-11 libcdio7 libcucul0 libcurl3 libdirectfb-1.0-0 libdvdread3 libedata-cal1.2-6 libedataserver1.2-9 libeel2-2.20 libepc-1.0-1 libepc-ui-1.0-1 libexchange-storage1.2-3 libfaad0 libgd2-noxpm libgda3-3 libgda3-common libggz2 libggzcore9 libggzmod4 libgksu1.2-0 libgksuui1.0-1 libgmyth0 libgnome-desktop-2 libgnome-pilot2 libgnomecups1.0-1 libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprintui2.2-0 libgpod3 libgraphviz4 libgtkhtml2-0 libgtksourceview1.0-0 libgucharmap6 libhesiod0 libicu38 libisccc50 libisccfg50 libiw29 libkpathsea4 libltdl3 liblwres50 libmagick++10 libmagick10 libmalaga7 libmtp7 libmysqlclient15off libnautilus-burn4 libneon27 libnm-glib0 libnm-util0 libopal-2.2 libosp5 libparted1.8-10 libpisock9 libpisync1 libpoppler-glib3 libpoppler3 libpt-1.10.10 libraw1394-8 libsensors3 libsmbios2 libsoup2.2-8 libssh2-1 libsuitesparse-3.1.0 libswfdec-0.6-90 libtalloc1 libtotem-plparser10 libtrackerclient0 libvoikko1 libxalan2-java-gcj libxerces2-java-gcj libxklavier12 libxtrap6 libxxf86misc1 libzephyr3 mysql-common swfdec-gnome totem-gstreamer wodim
Installed using aptitude, missing with apt-get
gnome gnome-desktop-environment hamster-applet python-gnomeapplet python-gnomekeyring python-wnck rhythmbox-plugins xorg xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-apm xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-chips xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xserver-xorg-video-dummy xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-glint xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-neomagic xserver-xorg-video-nouveau xserver-xorg-video-nv xserver-xorg-video-r128 xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd xserver-xorg-video-rendition xserver-xorg-video-s3 xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-savage xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion xserver-xorg-video-sis xserver-xorg-video-sisusb xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-tga xserver-xorg-video-trident xserver-xorg-video-tseng xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-vmware xserver-xorg-video-voodoo
Installed using aptitude, removed with apt-get
deskbar-applet xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-wacom xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-video-openchrome
I was told on IRC that the xorg-xserver package was changed in git today to try to get apt-get to not remove xorg completely. No idea when it hits Squeeze, but when it does I hope it will reduce the difference somewhat.

21 May 2010

Gustavo Noronha Silva: Google s pacman doodle in Epiphany/Midori?

Google has had a very nice idea today, to celebrate Pacman s aniversary: they made their logo become a playable HTML5 pacman. If you re wondering why your WebKitGTK+ browser is not being able to play the game here s why: Google is doing User-Agent sniffing and denying you the fun, sending a static image that you can click to perform a search instead of the game. If you make Epiphany or Midori identify themselves as Chrome or Firefox, the game will work. I really don t get this User Agent sniffing bullshit coming from Google. If you go to gconf-editor, and under epiphany->general set the user_agent key to Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; en-gb; rv: Gecko/2008092313 Firefox/3.8 it works. I m starting to seriously consider User Agent spoofing for * as a quirk on WebKitGTK+. Lame. Update: as a protest, I m making and say Chrome/Chromium are not supported, by doing User Agent sniffing.
Update2: it s been pointed out to me that the game is not HTML5 - it s actually smart usage of divs, and flash *urgh* for the audio

13 February 2010

Mike Hommey: When will Iceweasel 3.6 come ?

That is a question I hear more and more, and I felt it had to be answered publicly. Short answer: when it s ready. The current target for Squeeze is 3.5, for various reasons, but the main is that it shares the same Gecko version as Iceape (SeaMonkey) and Icedove (Thunderbird), which means that while the security team (or myself) will have to update these three for security updates, they will share patches. So 3.6 is less a priority than having 3.5 in shape for the release. Last week, I wrote on a mailing list post that I was expecting 3.6 to come this week. Well, that was before I discovered the sad reality about the state of the current version. But 3.6 is still on the radar. I already went through all the patches we apply on 1.9.1, and rebasing should now be straightforward. Most of the 3.5 failures have now also been addressed: sparc and powerpc were fixed first, and I am now (re-re-re -re)building on arm for, I hope, the last time. Unfortunately, mips is still missing, and without a porterbox, I can t do much. I tried, some time ago, in qemu, but there is no way I m going to wait 50 hours for a build again ; it was already painful on a real arm box (where it takes 90 minutes just to link Anyways, 2 patches stolen from upstream and 5 patches sent (or almost sent for the one currently under validation) later, we should be down to one release architecture failing instead of four. Which is already good. On the other hand, a new 3.5 upstream release, with security fixes, is planned for next tuesday, which means some time will have to be spent for stable updates, too. So, in the next few days, expect that I ll be working on stable security updates, then unstable updates, including the three architectures fix, and then work on 3.6 will continue. Which means we can hope for a 3.6 release in experimental by the end of next week, or the following one, in the worst case. Update: *sigh* 4 patches on arm is not enough :(. At least this time I think I m done with xptcinvoke and xptcstubs. Update:In the end, 2 patches and disabling the JIT compiler did the trick on arm. The 2 other patches were actually addressing bugs that only existed because the JIT is doing something wrong with the stack alignment.

5 February 2010

Thorsten Glaser: FOSDEM 2010, day #0

Yesterday, I arrived in Bruxelles, coming from the Issy/Paris FusionForge meeting which will be described more later by Roland on Pl net Forge. Please tell Ohlol if you use it, for more visibility. My employer will also provide hosting for FOSS projects, but we'll need to formalise the hosting conditions first, plus Evolvis currently runs FusionForge 4.5 (aka "Debian GForge") but we're in the process of upgrading to a 4.8-plus-backports-and-patches, then 5.0 soon. There is a new inter-forge mailing list as well, see the info page. People from Coclico and the various *forges may want to subscribe there (forge developers, not so much users (hosters) or end-users (hosted project developers/users) though). At FOSDEM, Benny and I (and maybe gecko2) will be running the MirBSD booth, so no Debian staffing for me, sorry. But I will be there. Also please do ask me about mksh the MirBSD Korn Shell etc. There are flyers in German (not updated), English and French too! (One of the *forge guys did install mksh(1) after reading it, in fact.) Don't you people dare miss the two talks: from Benny about how to package with autotools and libtool correctly and from XTaran explaining Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. Benny's also famous for his talk about Painless Perl Ports with cpan2port; XTaran's famous for a whole bunch of other things. I still have some catching up (wlog entries, keysigning, webpages, etc.) to do, please bear with me. I don't really have a proper work environment with me. There's a chance I will not be attending the Beer Event in the Delirium Tremens caf (last year's still remembered). Benny will certainly be there, though. Could someone please order nice weather? I still need to eat some lunch and find a supermarket to shop for the weekend!

20 January 2010

Thorsten Glaser: Various topics, and, at least *some* people think!

Marc Fleury, JBoss founder joins the ranks of Tonnerre, me, and other people requesting that MySQL (and MariaDB!) please finally die. Everyone, don't even fork it. Use a real database instead. Or, at least, SQLite. Really. We're going to FOSDEM 2010 (of course I've been at every FOSDEM that was not just an OSDEM, Benny and gecko2 are regular attendees as well, as are other projects of mine such as FreeWRT and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, by proxy). There will be a recent MirBSD snapshot I've yet got to build, with the new floppy format ustarfs (idea, but no single line of their stinking ridiculously huge code, stolen from NetBSD ) and other improvements (albeit less than I wanted to get done by then). The days before, I'll attend the first FusionForge meeting to break up the French Cabal, with my work hat on. That is also my first time in France (outside of the Elsa ). People, make a good impression on me to overcome the classic prejudices ;-) This weekend I'm going to meet my Debian Application Manager zack, have some good beer (ugh... first this, then Paris, then good belgian beer...) and fix some bugs, all while learning even more. Sounds like fun, but I almost feel overwhelmed, in contrast to the years of much less travelling from my past. I've also started sort-of mentoring Simon, one of our apprentices at work, into the Debian processes. (On an unrelated side note, formorer recently said bpo will become bp.d.o soon. Great!) Please don't laugh at this excuse for a webpage, as I've yet to fill it in, but my CLI for the KDE Wallet is hereby deemed ready for public consumption, with a bug-fix release 2.01 (bugs actually found during preparation of a port to Debian sid and KDE 4, which is much much worse than KDE 3, plus it looks so absolutely disgusting I'm not even sure Windows Mistda is worse). I hope the package will end up in NEW soon (and once progressed to testing I may be able to make the KDE 3 variant official via lenny backports; my WTF *.deb repo will hold them until then.

There are more webpages I need to fill in... mksh's TaC, arc4random (which needs some major redesign as well) and BSD::arc4random, the RANDEX protocol (entropy exchange over IRC) and its plugins and patches, ... Not just Mac OSX (and, I hope, iPhoneOS) will soon come with mksh(1), but also Android (I prepared patches to make it /bin/sh, which works quite well although I need to find out how to make a hardlink so that #!/bin/mksh scripts will run) and Maemo, for which I wrote an mksh package in a garage project, which also needs some love w.r.t. testing on actual devices, menu integration, etc. (Please contact me if you can help with either of the three.) We also have lewellyn:#ksh making a package for the new OpenSolaris system (thanks again). People persuading Apple to put it on the jesusPhone are also welcome. (This does not mean I endorse any of these right now, I'd probably get the most of a WinCE PDA with built-in GPSr, WLAN and maybe GSM/GPRS.) English and French native speakers, please review, and Dutch native speakers may contribute a translation of, our flyers. (Source code for these is not available, sorry. Benny makes them in Quark on System 7 in Basilisk II, used to be Classic until Apple yanked it. But still, they use only free fonts, free imagery or such the MirOS Project is allowed to use, and beat every single other FOSS project flyer I've ever seen by far!) There's probably more I could write, I bet I forgot half of it anyway, but I'll leave it at that for now. Get yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate, pour an Espresso into it, and enjoy the mix with a piece of cake (I'd say strawberry or mousse-pear but all they had was cassis-cr me) and pity me for not knowing any French next month.

27 December 2009

Thorsten Glaser: speling[sic!]

With the Lintian 2.3.0 saturday-after-christmas release (by the way, over here if it s done twice it ll really become tradition) I ve run its spelling tests over all of MirOS CVS repository. The result: 293 kinds of typos in 35857 souce files. (Although there are the case things too. Without them, I have 51 typos in 7206 files. Asides from false positives (I used fgrep -rwl[i], and -i and -w don t play well together, and -w mis-catches GTK+ as GTK ) I probably can t (API, source code) or won t fix all of them though.) However, I have some rather hot asia-style food to eat right now, and will need to get up early tomorrow for work, so I am not applying/fixing them right now. (bsiegert@ and gecko2@ however are enjoying themselves at 26C3, see their wlog entries.) Note that all of today s fixes will not make it into the next MirBSD snapshot already, since it s built (i386) and building X11 already (sparc). On the other hand, the next bunch of WTF *.deb files will have them. I also need to fix makefs upstream for Hurd and continue the T&S questionnaire *sigh* Update: I suppose this is my Hello, Pl net Debian! posting (thanks aptituz!) well, my packages in the archive were already lintian clean, in case someone wonders (I did recheck with 2.3.0 though). My point was, why not use checking tools from one universe for another one, viceque versa? (Similar to synergy effects from knowledge.)

11 December 2009

Gustavo Noronha Silva: Regressions, ah, regressions

There are few things I really hate. One of them is regressions. Regressions are bad because they usually take away things we are used to rely on, and leave us with the idea that perhaps the technical improvements didn t really improve our lifes as a user, despite putting less burden on the developers. Software is made for users, after all. As part of my work on WebKitGTK+, I always keep an eye on regressions, both from previous WebKitGTK+ releases, and those imposed on embedding applications on their migration away from Gecko, and try to focus some of my efforts into lowering their numbers, whenever I can. In recent times I have worked on removing a few very user-visible regressions in Epiphany, which I see as the most demanding WebKitGTK+ user in GNOME, such as save page not working, missing
favicon support, failing to
perform server-pushed downloads (such as GMail attachments), and not being able to view source. An example of a regression from a previous version of WebKit also exists: in 1.1.17 we started advertising more than we should as supported by the HTML5 media player, causing download to be almost completely broken. All of these are working if you are using WebKit and Epiphany from trunk/master, so should be on the next development versions of WebKitGTK+ and Epiphany. Other people have also fixed many other regressions; a few examples: Xan has reimplemented the Epiphany customization of the context menu, Frederic Peters provided a work-around for mailto: links while we don t have SoupURILoader yet, and Joanmarie Diggs keeps rocking on the accessibility front! If you find regressions, keep them coming! If you have a patch, even better! =) Next week WebKitGTK+ team gets together to work furiously on improving WebKitGTK+ in a hackfest sponsored by Collabora, and Igalia, and hosted/organized by Igalia. While there I should also get my hands on one of these. Can t wait! =)

5 November 2009

Chris Lamb: Confusing bugs

I love bugs that are just confusing and/or break your mental model of how you think the software works. Here is a good example: Given the following HTML in Gecko, what happens when a user clicks the button?
<form method="POST" action="/form-action">
  <a href="/anchor-target">
    <input type="button" value="harro">
GET /anchor-target HTTP/1.1
GET /anchor-target HTTP/1.1
2 GET requests? Okay, perhaps some sort of event bubbling problem; it's relatively common in GUI internals. But what about:
<form method="POST" action="/form-action">
  <a href="/anchor-target">
    <input type="image" src="">
POST /form-action HTTP/1.1
GET /anchor-target HTTP/1.1
GET /anchor-target HTTP/1.1
Wait, this time it POSTs the form and makes 2 GET requests? Answers in a Bugzilla report, thanks.

10 October 2009

Andrea Veri: Bits from September / October

Debian maintainer: Some days ago I had the great announcement that my Debian Maintainer s application was accepted and thanks to Jonathan McDowell my key is finally into the debian-maintainers keyring. (which is now part of the debian-keyring itself thanks to the ftp-masters / keyring maintainer work that made the changes on both DAK and keyring) I applied on the 22th of August, and thanks to Reinhard s advocation, everything went on the right side. Many thanks to all the people who made this possible. Pkg-mozext: Around 3 weeks ago I started being involved with the pkg-mozext team working on the new policy and to mozilla-devscripts transition for all iceweasel / icedove extensions. The work is going great so far and we managed to update several extensions that are now part of the team itself. For a fast look at our package list, feel free to browse pkg-mozext s QA page. A lot of work needs to be done, so if anyone wanna jump in, I would suggest to read our guidelines / policy into the team s Wiki Page. Pkg-gnome: GNOME 2.28 is now released, and the pkg-gnome team is now working hard to provide all the needed updates into unstable and experimental. Everything is going great and we are cleaning up everything listed on our schedule. Ephipany is under transition (gecko > webkit) so there are still some open issues / bugs, but now it looks fine so far and it can be used without any particular problem.

1 June 2009

Gustavo Noronha Silva: My first patch to WebKitGTK+ committed!

Well, not really my first patch. But the first thing I tried to mess with when I first started looking at WebKitGTK+ was the WebKitNetworkRequest object, because I was fancing the idea of writing stuff such as HTTP transactions monitoring, and things like that. So I wrote a big patch which exposed the internal WebCore object (ResourceRequest) fully through our own object. That was back in early 2008. We have come a long way since, and through all these months I got a broader perception of what kind of APIs we need, and how WebCore works. We also decided on going soup-only, which had a huge impact on what the final patch actually looks like. The patch which finally got committed this week is, how can I put it, VERY different from what I had originally written. You can take a look at the long discussions about it in the bug report I used to track progress. I think I should point out that Marco Barisione and Christian Dywan were crucial in helping me get going with my contribution to WebKit at that time. What this change gives us is basically the fact that a WebKitNetworkRequest now carries more than just the URI for the request (it actually carries with it a reference to the SoupMessage that will be used later in the request processing, which we are planning to expose in the near future), meaning that when WebKit API gives you a request, and you use it to cause a new load (for, say, opening in a new tab), you still get all the headers that were supposed to go with the request, so you don t lose things such as, for instance, Referer. So, now, after more than 5 years, the bug that complained that Epiphany did not set Referer (and Galeon before that) for new tabs is finally closed. By the way, this problem has been fixed for Mozilla s browser back in 2002, but the embedding API is still buggy up to now. There is still hope, since there s an attached patch that fixes the issue to be reviewed, and landed. If anyone is reading, it might be a good oportunity to get this fixed in there as well, so that users of applications that use Gecko s embedding API can also benefit!

19 May 2009

Gustavo Noronha Silva: Epiphany/WebKitGTK+ in Debian unstable

I have prepared an epiphany-webkit source package some time ago, and it has finally got out of NEW, thanks to the work Ganeff did this weekend on processing the queue =). The good thing about those packages is I have patched them heavily to allow for easy parallel installation with Epiphany/Gecko, so you don t need to give up your current browser to experiment and test Epiphany with the WebKitGTK+ backend. The gconf tree used for this package is /apps/epiphany-webkit, separate from the normal /apps/epiphany, for extra safety, but notice that your ~/.gnome2/epiphany will be shared between the Gecko and WebKit versions, even though the files used by each of them are different most of the time. Go ahead and install the epiphany-webkit package, and have fun. Notice that if you have an already running session of Epiphany/Gecko, running epiphany-webkit will not be enough to launch Epiphany/Webkit, since Epiphany will just request that a new window be opened through D-Bus. The easiest way to test, if you just want a quick peek, is to run epiphany-webkit -p; this will run a private instance of Epiphany/WebKit, which doesn t touch your history, bookmarks, and passwords. If you are feeling adventurous and want to make Epiphany/WebKit your default Epiphany you can do so using the following command, and selecting epiphany-webkit:
# update-alternatives --config epiphany-browser

16 May 2009

Erich Schubert: Adobe GoLive question

Is there any way to provide an alternate CSS stylesheet for GoLive CS2 only, not for regular browsers? Because there are some things in that layout that are too difficult for the GoLive renderer, it doesn't display them right. The pages are still editable (just plain XHTML), it's just not looking right in GoLive (advanced CSS).The site already has alternate stylesheets for browsers such as the broken Internet Explorers, so if I could convince GoLive to use their stylesheet it might be looking a lot better in the editor, too ...I am aware that GoLive CS2 has been abandoned in favor of DreamWeaver. Still it's going to be used in a project I help with the web templates.(Other options would be Kompozer and Amaya, but none of them seem really fit for production use: Amaya was just removed from Debian because it had some security issues and the maintainers had the impression the code was such a mess that there will be much more such issues. And Kompozer seemed to be a mostly dead branch of a Gecko hack (although there has been a new alpha release this year) ... is there some reliable opensource non-source HTML editor that I'm missing?)P.S. Sorry, no comments in this blog. Use Email: erich AT debian ORG

23 April 2009

Adrian von Bidder: Let's kill KHTML

Reading Kyle's view on Konqueror and KHTML's current status: I couldn't agree more. I use konqueror instead of Firefox because I quite like its GUI, and its integration into KDE is obviously better than Firefox'. Issues with various websites prompt me to have an Iceweasel window open as well quite a large part of the time. Let's just switch to WebKit, so the market only has to care about Gecko and WebKit and can ignore one more marginal rendering engine. I see libqt-webkit 4.5 is in experimental and a Google query on debian konqueror webkit at least shows an Ubuntu packaging effort of the Konqueror WebKit KPart, so the days of khtml on my Desktop are certainly nearing its end. At this point: Kudos to the KDE folks (Debian and upstream). KDE4.2 is really, really usable, the remaining issues are really small. And, if I don't try to manually interfer like I did in my first attempt, migrating the KDE settings from ~/.kde4 to ~/.kde actually did work just fine on my netbook.

16 April 2009

Peter Eisentraut: Web browsers vs. debtags

So I wanted to see what web browsers are available in Debian. The first stop was Going to the page of one browser package and clicking on "Browser" in the tags area only gives you the explanation of the tag, but not the list of other packages with that tag. Is that available somewhere?

So next try maybe grep-dctrl ... oh, grep-debtags appears to be the ticket.

$ grep-debtags -n -sPackage web::browser

How many of those are actually web browsers? Probably about half of them. (Example: caudium (not listed) is a web server, caudium-dev is its development package, not very close to a web browser.)

This would actually be quite a useful interface if the tags had any relationship to reality. I was in fact looking for a lightweight graphical browser, so this is a plausible command:

$ grep-debtags -n -d -sPackage web::browser -a interface::x11 -a -! suite::gnome -a -! suite::kde

which gives me 15 hits, of which 8 or 9 are actual web browsers.

Well, my search for a lightweight browser stopped here:

lightweight web browser based on Mozilla

Yeah! ;-)

16 February 2009

Martin-&#201;ric Racine: Roadmap to a better FreeDesktop: ridding us of the Firefox filth

Lately, I've been pondering how to solve one annoying aspect of the FreeDesktop, namely how to eject the piece of bloat called Firefox from the picture and get myself a fast web browser that I can rely on and that yet offers a similar UI experience based upon native GTK2 widgets rather than XUL components. Just to investigate possible options, I tested Epiphany, Galeon and Konqueror. My conclusions were than a Gecko-based Epiphany or Gaelon is incredibly fast and that Konqueror offers a similarily efficient experience albeit using QT, rather than GTK2 widgets. Why is Firefox so bloody bloated then, if it uses the same Gecko engine as Epiphany and Galeon? The only possible conclusion I could come up with is that its crappy XUL implementation, rather than leverage existing native GTK2 or QT widgets, tries to reinvent the wheel with its own UI toolkit running as a gigantic RAM blackhole. One option that I wanted to investigate but found too deficient was a Webkit-based port of Epiphany. Unfortunately, at its current stage, the GTK2 port of Webkit simply isn't mature enough to consider, although the fact that Webkit has been succesfully ported to a number of platforms and constitutes the basis for Safari on Mac OS suggests that the potential is significant. That only leaves one single aspect on which Firefox wins hands-down: its UI concept; it just works well, whereas Epiphany simply has a UI concept that is utterly inadequate, because it is too crude, lacking basic necessities such as a session saving feature that also works when purposely unloading the application, rather than only as a crash recovery measure. Simply put, Epiphany's premise that a browser should never be closed and thus ought to always remain open in the background of a desktop session is utterly flawed; it doesn't work like that in real life and Firefox acknowledges this, while Epiphany stubbornly doesn't because someone wreaked Havoc in our desktop paradigm. Anyhow, to me the solution is clear: regardless of which rendering engine it uses, Epiphany's UI concept needs to become more like Firefox, before it can truly gain acceptance as the default browser among Linux distributions.

13 November 2008

Raphael Geissert: fewer dependencies

A couple of minutes ago I received an email notification about #479427 being closed:

#479427: epiphany-gecko: please reduce the number of dependencies by avoiding linking to some libs
* Pass --as-needed to LDFLAGS. Closes: #479427.
+ Introduce 99_ltmain_as-needed.patch.

Being very interested on the subject I went to incoming.d.o and downloaded the -gecko and -webkit versions of epiphany, which were both listed in my packages with most dependencies top 20.

$ epiphany-*_2.24.1-1_amd64/control

So yes, the number of dependencies dropped from 55 and 58 to 27 and 32, accordingly :)

Should dropping the number of useless dependencies be a RG for squeeze? we'll see.

Note: I'll update the post as soon as the i386 packages are built, because the number of package dependencies of my previous blog post were calculated from i386's Packages, not amd64's.

Oh, and of course many thanks to Josselin Mouette for working on the issue.

3 November 2008

Enrico Zini: rc-buggy packages sorted by popularity

rc-buggy packages sorted by popularity After doing a round of tag reviews so that we release lenny with the latest tag contributions, I still had a bit of spare time. Since people are urging to fix the last bugs I thought I could contribute a list of RC-buggy packages sorted by popularity:
import urllib2
import sys, re #, gzip
PKGRE = re.compile(r'<strong>Package: </strong><a href="[^"]+" name="([^"]+)">')
POPCONRE = re.compile(r'^(\d+)\s+(\S+)')
PKGMAPRE = re.compile(r'^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)')
COMMASPLIT = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*')
# Allow to download other package views
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    url = sys.argv[1]
    url = ""
def read_packages(url):
    "Download the list of rc-buggy packages"
    fd = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    for line in fd:
        mo =
        if mo:
# FIXME: this is a deprecated data source, but at the moment it is just what
#        is needed
def read_bintosrc(url = ""):
    "Download the binary to source package map"
    fd = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    for line in fd:
        mo =
        if mo:
            src =
            bin = COMMASPLIT.split(
            for p in bin:   
                yield p, src
def read_popcon(url = ""):
    "Download popcon information"
    fd = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    # It doesn't work on urllib2 objects because it wants tell()
    #fd = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fd, filename=url, mode="rb")
    for line in fd:
        mo = POPCONRE.match(line)
        if mo:
            yield, int(
print "Reading mapping of binary packages to source packages..."
bin2src = dict(read_bintosrc())
print "Reading popcon scores..."
# We actually want the score of source packages, and for it we use the score of
# its binary package with the highest score
scores = dict()
for pkg, score in read_popcon():
    pkg = bin2src.get(pkg, pkg)
    if pkg not in scores:
        scores[pkg] = score
#scores = dict(read_popcon(""))
print "Reading list of rc-buggy packages..."
# The bug page has a mix of source and binary packages: convert all to source
# packages
packages = sorted(read_packages(url), key=lambda x:scores.get(bin2src.get(x,x), 0))
for p in packages:
    print scores.get(bin2src.get(p,p), 0), p
This can be run on as ~enrico/popzimmer (0 is the rank of packages that for some reason cannot be mapped to any rank):
$ ~enrico/popzimmer 
Reading mapping of binary packages to source packages...
Reading popcon scores...
Reading list of rc-buggy packages...
0 roxen-fonts-iso8859-2
2 dpkg
11 pam
61 glibc
61 libc6
123 initramfs-tools
149 bind9
150 grub
180 portmap
213 nfs-common
279 libgl1-mesa-dri
298 libsnmp-base
298 snmpd
309 avahi
397 mysql-dfsg-5.0
408 xserver-xorg-input-wacom
409 xserver-xorg-video-vesa
428 docbook-xml
567 xine-lib
600 evolution-data-server
669 eog
671 xserver-xorg-video-intel
691 epiphany-browser
691 epiphany-gecko
695 kdelibs4c2a
698 uswsusp
754 guile-1.6
959 gpm
964 cups
990 kdebase
1002 ghostscript
1069 giflib
1076 xulrunner-1.9
1177 libapache2-mod-perl2
1217 vlc-nox
1229 kernel-package
1311 kdeutils-dev
1520 libparted1.8-10
1767 wireshark
1785 selinux-policy-default
1908 dia
1943 htop
1983 boost
2140 cantlr
2145 transmission
2159 emacs22
2312 swfdec-mozilla
2449 eclipse
2449 libswt3.2-gtk-java
2728 lilo
2898 libnss-ldap
3013 java-access-bridge
3051 blender
3099 libtemplate-perl
3499 fglrx-atieventsd
3602 virtualbox-ose
3619 jfsutils
3806 anjuta
3962 kbuild
4076 libgnustep-gui0.14
4222 libwebkit-1.0-1
4332 rosegarden
4412 matplotlib
4412 python-matplotlib
4950 mail-notification-evolution
5195 nut-cgi
5273 sbcl
5538 ruby1.9
5679 kmymoney2
6076 websvn
6147 miro
6264 gnat-4.1
6431 gallery2
6478 gnome-chess
6512 joystick
6862 istanbul
6937 wordpress
7476 luatex
7635 csound
7635 python-csoundac
8257 libpam-mount
8471 wmcpuload
8631 nbsmtp
8642 oxine
8774 axiom
8949 libengine-pkcs11-openssl
9052 clamav-getfiles
9221 open-iscsi
9262 ptex-bin
9701 egroupware-core
10012 debian-cd
10127 libjogl-java
10453 libjson-xs-perl
10698 gcjwebplugin
10736 request-tracker3.6
11294 python-extclass
11518 rkward
11600 alevt
12929 otrs2
13205 bindgraph
13956 icecc-monitor
14223 netmaze
14505 cdebconf
14526 mumble
14687 fnonlinear
14724 recite
14789 jbidwatcher
15766 libnss-ldapd
15812 glpi
15905 lustre-source
15982 win32-loader
16232 ampache
17168 libghc6-missingh-dev
17311 acl2
17830 apertium
18462 emacspeak
18469 glassfish
19257 isight-firmware-tools
19719 libnagios-object-perl
20144 libwx-perl
20465 dns2tcp
21614 python-kinterbasdb-dbg
21690 hf
21902 libcobra-java
22365 tomcat6
22573 libphp-snoopy
23501 coco-java
23926 boxbackup-server
24009 libghc6-wash-dev
26323 libdesktop-notify-perl
26439 opendb
28426 adolc
28795 xorp
29986 libgdata-java
31262 libjboss-serialization-java
31472 pixelpost
31658 cournol
32939 mediamate
34365 gforge-plugin-scmcvs
34659 libgearman-client-async-perl
42233 libhamcrest-java
48076 mahara
55303 mxallowd
85881 roxen-fonts-iso8859-1

So, if you don't know from what package to start fixing bugs, "Begin at the beginning,", the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."

4 September 2008

Raphael Geissert: Top 20: the packages with most dependencies

Some time ago I wrote a small shell script that counted the number of dependencies of each package. It used to take lots of time to perform such a simple operation, so today I decided to rewrite it from scratch in perl and even made it able to sort the packages according to the number of pre-/dependencies.

So, here are 20 packages from sid, which are in the top 20 of most number of pre-/dependencies:


Note that ORed dependencies are, correctly, counted once only.

Here's a usertagged list of bugs I filed when I computed the values with the shell version of the script to see what was the reaction of the maintainers. Here's the list of the 20 packages with the more dependencies on sid as of ~2008-05-02.

103 texlive-full
79 brdesktop-gnome
68 rhythmbox
65 xorg-dev
60 evolution
57 epiphany-gecko
54 gnome-control-center
53 epiphany-webkit
51 screenkast
51 iceweasel-l10n-all
51 beagle
50 vlc-nox
50 python-gnome2-extras
50 brdesktop-common
50 anjuta
49 dtc-common
48 totem-gstreamer
47 python-gnome2-desktop
47 awn-applets-c-core
46 gnome-main-menu

So, it looks like we are only going up but not down :(

6 July 2008

Mike Hommey: webkit 1.0.1 in unstable

There has finally been an official webkit release for the Gtk+ port, and I finally took the necessary time to package it. As you can guess from the screenshot above, it now has plugins support. It is also ber fast. You can compare with previous results for both gecko and webkit.

